When you have a bathroom that simply isn’t functional, it can be frustrating. This often leads homeowners to turn to remodeling to get the bathroom that they have been searching for. It is important whenever you are remodeling a bathroom that you think about one of the most important aspects of it; the plumbing. Without inspecting and mapping out the plumbing, you can end up making big mistakes during the remodeling process. Randall’s Plumbing is here to talk about common plumbing mistakes homeowners makes during a bathroom remodel.
Failure to Inspect Old Plumbing
It can be tempting to save anywhere you can during a home remodel. One place that you should never cut corners is with old plumbing. The old plumbing in your bathroom needs to be thoroughly inspected to see if there are any old pipes that need to be replaced or any that have sustained damaged. If there are any copper or brass lines that are showing signs of corrosion or leaking, they need to be replaced so you don’t run into issues down the road.
Not Improving Venting During Bathroom Remodeling
No one wants to deal with a shower or tub that won’t drain properly. Shower venting is incredibly important because it will help your shower and tub to drain the way they should. If you have an older home, it may not have any venting at all and that will need to be installed. This is the best way to avoid slow draining showers and tubs.
Avoid 90 Degree Fittings that Restrict Flow
Everyone is bound to experience a clogged pipe at some point. This doesn’t mean that anyone likes to deal with them though. When you have a clogged pipe, one of the best ways to get rid of it is with a drain snake. If you have put horizontal 90 degree fittings in your bathroom, this makes it nearly impossible to snake the line. The fittings in a bathroom should be two 45 degree fittings to make snaking the line more doable.
Can 2 Sinks Share the Same Vent?
Having two sinks in a bathroom can be a game changer if you have the space to put them in there. If you don’t vent them properly, it can be a difficult fix to make down the road. It can be difficult to understand how to handle proper venting when you don’t have the experience and the training that a professional plumber has.
Residential & Commercial Plumbing Repair, Replacement & More in Marshfield, Conway & Greater Lebanon, Missouri
If you are getting ready to embark on a bathroom remodel in an older home, it is worth the time and money to call on the professionals at Randall’s Plumbing to take care for the plumbing side of the bathroom. With our extensive experience and expertise, we will be able to ensure your plumbing is done right so you don’t run into problems down the road. We will help you move and repair any plumbing needed to make your bathroom not only functional but beautiful. Call us today!